Thursday, August 27, 2009

Love is a symbol of eternity

"Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end."Unknown

For years fear gripped me in a vice. I was afraid of everything, heights, the dark, spiders,being abandoned,losing control, going crazy, nearly every fear you can imagine.  Some of the fear came from being told that I was incapable of doing things. That I was "too nervous" to work, to have children , to drive, to live my life normally. Some of it came from being told stories of bad things happening to good girls. Or bad things that would happen to good girls who behaved badly.
Phil changed all that.  For the first time in my life I feel safe. I can sleep at night without a light on. I can do things like drive 1800 miles without gripping the steering wheel so tight that I can barely unclench my fingers at the end of the day. I still feel queasy when I'm up high but I'm not paralyzed with fear. I still loathe spiders but I can deal with them.
Unless you've been enclosed in a chge of fear for most of your life, filled with anxiety over the most mundane things, you cannot imagine the feeling of freedom when that cage is broken open by love.

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