Thursday, April 7, 2011

To My Therapist

I love how you don’t judge me. Hey, maybe you do judge me but you never let me know it, so it’s the same thing.

I love how I can tell you my deepest darkest secrets and you say things like, “Hey, that’s ok, it’s just a kink, everyone has kinks! “

Or, “Well, it’s admirable that you can admit that about yourself, most people can’t”, when I’m really expecting you to throw up in disgust at what I just told you.

I know it’s your job, but thank you. Thank you for being so supportive and non-judgmental. For telling me how amazing I am to have come through what I have and still be on this side of crazy. Thank you for making me feel normal, at least for the hour we spend together.

1 comment:

  1. Great image at the top of this post! I think the thing is - everyone thinks they're "crazy" because we define "normal" based on what we see on TV. Hang in there. Thanks for the follow. Following you back :)
